Microsoft has released Windows Genuine Advantage Validation Tool version 1.5.708.0 which consists of LegitCheckControl.dll and LegitCheckControl.inf that is installed to whoever that wants to download WGA-protected downloads and software from Microsoft Download Center such as Internet Explorer 7 RC1 (Windows XP SP2), Windows Defender (Beta 2), DirectX End-User Runtime, Windows Media Player 10 and 11 Beta, Windows Installer 3.1 Redistributable, Photo Story 3 and other Windows Genuine Advantage special offers. The latest version of WGA Validation Tool is installed when you try to perform Windows validation even though you already have hacked or patched version of LegitCheckControl.dll installed.WGA LegitCheckControl.dll version 1.5.708.0 has different structure from previous version and cannot be ‘upgraded’ by simply change the version info from the existing patched LegitCheckControl.dll. However, one reader Danny has contributed a cracked and patched version of LegitCheckControl.dll which is able to bypass and disable genuine Windows validation check to download the WGA-restricted downloads from Microsoft Download Center, beside performing Windows update. which consists of cracked and fixed LegitCheckControl.dll version 1.5.708.0 and LegitCheckControl.inf can be downloaded from here or (link deleted due to complaint from Microsoft) here.
Launch Windows Explorer, navigate to \Windows\System32 folder, and delete LegitCheckControl.dll file. (Note: If you unable to delete the file, restart your PC into Safe Mode, and try again)
Copy the extracted files from the downloaded ZIP to \Windows\System32 folder. If you haven’t delete LegitCheckControl.dll, simply replace the existing DLL.
If you’re in Safe-Mode, restart your computer now.
Click on Continue (Validation Required) button to continue to download page to download your desired software.
If the patched LegitCheckControl.dll above is not working, you may try to get Helios’ instructions on changing Windows VLK product key on IE and Windows respectively, so that there is Cryptographic Errors Detected on MGADiag.exe in order to bypass validation on Download Center.
Alternatively, download the dp-XPgen15708auto (removed due to complaint from Microsoft) by renaTgaD from Desperate TCG. It’s a fixed exe which mean it’s the WGA installer contains patched version 1.5.708.0 of LegitCheckControl.dll (WgaLogon.dll and WgaTray.exe stay at v1.5.540.0). After download, just close any web browser and run the installer to install fixed version of WGA.
There is also crack and hack from Team ETH0 which most likely will enable you to run Windows Update (Microsoft Update) and remove any nag screen only. Download the WGA 157080c (removed due to complaint from Microsoft) and run the installer.bat batch file.
Beside, if you still facing problem, try to use direct download link location URL to download directly from Microsoft, bypassing all WGA validation check.
Feedback on usability at the comments section.
Note: There may be secondary genuine validation check built into program installer that will trigger during installation. Just search within the site for workarounds by bypassing the validation check.
New: Visit updated methods to bypass and crack WGA, including patch on version 1.5.716.0.
Disclaimer: This article is for informational and educational purpose only. If you’re using non-genuine or pirated Microsoft Windows operating system, please purchase a legal copy from your local computer store. If you’re genuine Windows users but unable to validate your copy of Windows, please contact Microsoft or post your query to WGA Validation Problems forum.
Original post Here
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Remove, Bypass, Patch and Disable Microsoft Windows Genuine Advantage WGA Validation version 1.5.708.0 with LegitCheckControl.dll Crack
Familiar and easy to use but in its raw state, installed it is full of junk you don't need and so full of security holes its not funny. XP needs about 5 hours of setting up to become a secure, fast operating system. I do a custom install of XP on all my machines, takes a fair while but is well worth it in the end. I remove all the built in spyware and software that is not required, disable or remove the bad stuff like "Lookout Express" and the truly horrible Windows Messenger client, get rid of the cartoony childish themes and make it look and feel exactly like Windows 2000. Lose the irritating bubble windows and stop it communicating with Microsoft unless the user wants it to. I replace the rubbish with good, professional software, a custom security suite, and set up the installation properly. If things do go wrong recovery is very easy and complete using a proper disk imaging backup system. If you want a clean, fast XP installation or a re-installation of a Dell box or similar without all the advertising and buy me stuff, contact me. Also see Help & Advice for more info on XP security issues and Wireless Networking Security. I have done many installs of XP for people on why guernsey, just post a request for information and one of my "installees" will tell you if I know what I am doing. | ![]() |
Just got Hardy Heron and it is terrific, everything just works, its easy to use and to set up, there is some very trick 3D desktops Compiz which are great and best of all there is a dead easy recovery / backup system built in that you do not have to be a Linux Guru to use. The most popular the best Linux for newbies especially experienced windows users for whom Linux can be a total pain. Installation and dual booting with XP or Vista is all automatic. The desktop is minimalistic and not as polished as Windows or Mac but is functional, very simple and clean. There is zero command line stuff or tricky software setups eveything runs by wizard and works out of the box. Music, Video and DVD playback are all supported with a couple of clicks not hours entering obscure command lines in terminals. Even the area / clock setup has Guernsey as an option. This is the one I am using myself now as a day to day Linux box, it is a true alternative to Windows; if you do not want to pay through the nose anymore to increase Microsoft's billions this is the one to go for. I thouroughly recommend this in fact I have seen people play with Ubuntu who were entirely unaware it was not a Windows box. As a matter of interest Ubuntu originated in the Isle of Man. | ![]() |
Mandriva Free 2008 is an excellent Linux Distro, very easy to install, dual boots with Windows XP (Vista is a bit more problematical). Very easy to use and one of the best Distros around. Has 3D desktop graphics if you want which put Windows Vista to shame, clean and clear user interface which works very similarly to Windows so the culture shock is not too bad. Comes with a vast array of software, networking is easy to set up between Mandriva and Windows boxes with the latest Samba Server, Remote printing is a bit more tricky but OK. Firefox is installed by default and there are all the free alternatives to MS Office and Adobe Photoshop installed in the latest version. There is some pretty good standard wallpaper shots also and the screensaver slideshow is amazing. The latest version Mandriva one 2008.1 works out of the box with the Eeepc but you need the 4Gb version minimum or a 4Gb SDHC card on a 2Gb version. Most of the hardware works straight off just Wireless needs setting up and Samba networking needs installing. Upside of Mandriva is you can play networked media files on the Eeepc. | ![]() |
Fedora is a free Linux distribution and replaces Windows totally, also it comes with all the software you could ever need all for free, it can even run your favourite Windows programs using an application called Wine which fools the Windows software that it is running in a Windows pc. It is far safer than Windows; even without an anti-virus client & firewall it is still pretty safe. The drawbacks are its hard to install and get to grips with for a Windows user because things work differently and it demands some effort to master. If you are a new user and have little experience with Windows then Linux Distros are a doddle to because you don't have expectations and habits to break, perversely experienced Windows users have the most trouble getting to grips with Linux. See this Fedora site, it has comprehensive detail about Fedora Linux and exactly what it can do. The same information goes for any Linux O/S it just differs in implementation. Fedora 8 is the latest version but I have not used that yet, 6 is pretty good but one of the less newbie friendly distros. It is mainly for enthusiasts and is a cutting edge Distro where a lot of stuff gets tested. | ![]() |
Another Linux Distro, same as Fedora but a little different, not much to choose between them but to be honest Suse is a bit easier than Fedora and more Windows like in its operation. Installation and setup is a bit of a pain but once done it is a very good O/S. Does all the same things Fedora can which is true of any Linux Distro. I use Suse occasionally, I have been put off a bit because it is no longer truly a "free" OS as Novell and Microsoft have their fingers in the Suse pie, but it can be set up without using non free software and is a pleasure to use, however the latest version is a pain to set up. | ![]() |
There are many other flavours of Linux, some general purpose like Ubuntu and Mandriva, some specialised like Knopix and DSL (Damn Small Linux), all are free and can be installed on anything, plus as many machines as you want. You only pay for official support which is optional and mostly comes with a "boxed" version of Linux which cost about $50-00 or less. Download your Linux and its free, you are on your own support wise but there are hundreds of Linux forums will help you out anyway. I can advise and help or install most versions of Linux, they all work pretty much the same overall (sort of) and they all exist happily with Windows machines on a network. Linux whilst harder to learn and use to its full potential is a lot more versatile than Windows and as it is "open source" meaning anybody can inspect the code used to write it (unlike Windows which is proprietary code) the issue of hidden routines in applications doing underhanded stuff is totally absent, if anyone can read the source then you can't hide anything in it. Linux is pretty much immune to web nasties and security hacks, not because it is totally secure but there are far less exploits around, the one that are demand a high degree of technicalknowledge and the user base for Linux is so small that its not generally worth the effort to bother. Linux is based on the same system as Mac boxes (Unix) which was around years before Windows so it is not new. There is also a lot of street cred involved with Linux because its regarded as a "proper" operating system by the real people out there in internet land and gets you an instant credibility boost from those in the know. Info on all Linux distros with advice / reviews / general info and download instructions here | ![]() |
A collection of Command Line Switches
A collection of
Command Line Switches
and arguments to control some program executables
On this page I will collect command line switches for some program executables.
This will make it easier to create reliable "quick-and-dirty" batch files to perform common tasks like printing, file conversion, etcetera without the need to dig into the program's COM object details.
Most programs open a file if its full path is specified on the command line without any switches.
Most files' "Open", "Print" and "PrintTo" commands can be found in the registry under HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT
, or by examining file associations, the others may require some web searching, or even reading software manuals.
Command line switches for:
- Microsoft Access
- Adobe Reader
- CDBurnerXP
- Excel
- Foxit Reader
- Internet Explorer
- IrfanView
- MagicISO
- Nero Burning ROM
- Notepad
- OpenOffice
- PowerPoint
- PowerPoint Viewer
- Corel Presentations
- Microsoft RAW Image Viewer
- Mozilla Thunderbird
- Visio
- Wordpad
- WordPerfect
- Microsoft XPS Viewer
Microsoft Access
Open a Microsoft Access database:
msaccess.exe Database
Open an Access database for exclusive access:
msaccess.exe Database /excl
Open an Access database for read-only access:
msaccess.exe Database /ro
Compact and repair an Access database:
msaccess.exe OriginalDatabase /compact [ CompactedDatabase ]
If no CompactedDatabase
is specified, the OriginalDatabase
will be overwritten.
Convert a database from a previous Access version to the current version:
msaccess.exe OldDatabase /convert NewDatabase
Sources with more details:
- How to use command-line switches in Microsoft Access (MS Access 1.0..97)
- How to use command-line switches in Microsoft Access (MS Access 2000..2003)
Not tested
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Adobe Reader
Open a PDF file:
AcroRd32.exe PdfFile
Open a PDF file in a new instance of Adobe Reader:
AcroRd32.exe /N PdfFile
Open a PDF file at page 7:
AcroRd32.exe /A "page=7=OpenActions" PdfFile
Open a PDF file with navigation pane active, zoom out to 50%, and search for and highlight the word "batch":
AcroRd32.exe /A "zoom=50&navpanes=1=OpenActions&search=batch" PdfFile
Print a PDF file with dialog:
AcroRd32.exe /P PdfFile
Print a PDF file silently:
AcroRd32.exe /N /T PdfFile PrinterName [ PrinterDriver [ PrinterPort ] ]
The last command will open a new Adobe Reader window, print the PDF file and then terminate its window unless that window happens to be the only Adobe Reader window left: at least one Adobe Reader window will be left open.
Sources with more details:
Tested with Adobe Reader 8.1.2 on Microsoft Windows XP Professional SP2 (5.1.2600)
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Open a CDBurnerXP compilation file:
cdbxp.exe /od CdbxpCompilationFile
List all CD/DVD writers:
cdbxpcmd.exe --list-drives
Eject the disk in the first CD/DVD writer (device 0):
cdbxpcmd.exe --eject [ -device:0 ]
Load the disk in the first CD/DVD writer (device 0):
cdbxpcmd.exe --load [ -device:0 ]
Erase the disk in the first CD/DVD writer (device 0):
cdbxpcmd.exe --erase [ -device:0 ]
Unfortunately, so far, I haven't been able to burn a CD with cdbxpcmd.exe
Source with more details:
Tested with CDBurnerXP Pro on Microsoft Windows XP Professional SP2 (5.1.2600)
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Open an Excel spreadsheet:
excel.exe ExcelSpreadsheet
Open an Excel spreadsheet in read-only mode:
excel.exe /r ExcelSpreadsheet
Open an Excel spreadsheet in safe mode:
excel.exe /s ExcelSpreadsheet
excel.exe /safemode ExcelSpreadsheet
Sources with more details:
Not tested
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Foxit Reader
Open a PDF file:
"Foxit Reader.exe" PdfFile
Open a PDF file at page 7:
"Foxit Reader.exe" PdfFile -n 7
Make Foxit Reader the default PDF reader:
"Foxit Reader.exe" -Register
Print a PDF file silently to the default printer:
"Foxit Reader.exe" PdfFile /p
Print a PDF file silently to an alternative printer:
"Foxit Reader.exe" PdfFile /t PrinterName
Notes: | The /p and /t switches are case sensitive, the -n switch is not. |
Source with more details:
Tested with Foxit Reader 2.3 Build 2923 on Microsoft Windows XP Professional SP2 (5.1.2600)
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Internet Explorer
Open Internet Explorer without the home page:
iexplore.exe -nohome
Open Internet Explorer in Windows Explorer mode:
iexplore.exe -e Folder
It is not possible to start a Windows Explorer window with alternate credentials. That is where Internet Explorer's "Explorer mode" comes to the rescue: use RUNAS
and IE's -E
switch to start an Explorer look-alike window with alternate credentials.Folder
can be in "drive:\path" or UNC format.
Open Internet Explorer in kiosk mode:
iexplore.exe -k [ url ]
Source with more details:
Tested with Internet Explorer 5..7 in Microsoft Windows 2000 & XP Professional
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Open a graphics file:
i_view32.exe GraphicsFile
Print a graphics file to the default printer:
i_view32.exe GraphicsFile /print
Print a graphics file to any printer:
i_view32.exe GraphicsFile /print="PrinterName"
Convert a JPG file to TIFF:
i_view32.exe FileName.jpg /convert=FileName.tif
Convert a JPG file to TIFF, and resize it to 800x600 (but keep the aspect ration):
i_view32.exe FileName.jpg /resize=(800,600) /aspectratio /resample /convert=FileName.tif
Scan and print a page:
i_view32.exe /scanhidden /print
Play selected JPG files as a slideshow:
i_view32.exe /slideshow=drive\path\img*.jpg /closeslideshow
Capture the screen and save it as C:\TEST.JPG:
i_view32.exe /capture=0 /convert=c:\test.jpg
Note: | All switches must be in lower case. |
Sources with more details:
- All Command Lines
- IrfanView help file (
HH.EXE "mk:@MSITStore:C:\Program%20Files\IrfanView\i_view32.chm::/hlp_command_line.htm"
Tested with IrfanView 4.10 on Microsoft Windows XP Professional SP2 (5.1.2600)
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is the program's GUI executable, but in the same directory where MagicISO.exe
is installed, MagicISO's command line tool miso.exe
can be found.
List all available CD/DVD writers with their ID number and drive letter:
miso.exe NULL -cd
Quick erase the disk in the CD/DVD writer with ID number 1:
miso.exe NULL -e 1
Create and burn a new ISO file to the CD/DVD writer with ID number 2:
miso.exe ISOFileName.iso -c NewFolder -f NewFolder -a *.* -l3 -l VolumeLabel -be 2
Notes: | The -c switch creates a folder NewFolder in the root directory of the ISO image, the -f switch makes this new folder the working directory. |
-a *.* adds all files from the current directory, including subdirectories, to the ISO image's working directory. | |
-be 2 tells the program to quick erase the disk in the CD/DVD writer with ID number 2 if it isn't blank, and then burn the ISO image to the disk. | |
If ISOFileName.iso already existed, the files and folder(s) will be added to the existing ISO image. | |
Use -l1 instead of -l3 if you want to restrict file and folder names in the ISO image to their short "8.3 notation". |
Delete files from an existing ISO image:
miso.exe ISOFileName.iso -f Folder -d FileSpec
Convert an existing ISO image to Nero's NRG format:
miso.exe NeroFileName.nrg -conv nrg ISOFileName.iso
Sources with more details:
- Using MagicISO as ISO Creator
- Using MagicISO as ISO image burner
- Using MagicISO to mount ISO image on Command Line
- Run
without parameters to list the command options available in your MagicISO version.
Tested with MagicISO 3.1.113 on Microsoft Windows XP Professional SP2 (5.1.2600)
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Nero Burning ROM
is the program's GUI executable, but in the same directory where nero.exe
is installed, Nero's command line tool NeroCmd.exe
can be found.
Open dialogs
Open Nero Burning ROM in the "Create Bootable CD" dialog:
nero.exe /New:BootDisc /Media:CD
Open Nero Burning ROM in the "Burn Image to CD" dialog:
nero.exe NeroImageFile /Dialog:BurnImage /Media:CD
List available CD/DVD writers:
NeroCmd.exe --listdrives
List drive properties for CD/DVD writer E:
NeroCmd.exe --driveinfo --drivename E
List disk properties for CD/DVD in drive E:
NeroCmd.exe --discinfo --drivename E
Eject the disk from drive E:
NeroCmd.exe --eject --drivename E
Load the disk in drive E:
NeroCmd.exe --load --drivename E
Quick erase disk in CD/DVD writer E:
NeroCmd.exe --erase --drivename E --real
Full erase disk in CD/DVD writer E:
NeroCmd.exe --erase --entire --drivename E --real
Write a Nero image to CD/DVD writer E:
NeroCmd.exe --write --drivename E --image NeroImageFile --force_erase_disc --real
Quick erase a rewritable disk in E: and then write "drive\path\*.*" to it at 4x speed:
NeroCmd.exe --write --drivename E --speed 4 --iso VolumeLabel --create_iso_fs "drive\path\*.*" --force_erase_disc --real
Note: | The 2 lines in the command above should be typed as a single line. |
Sources with more details:
- Club CDFreaks: Nero command line options
Or better still: runNeroCmd.exe
without parameters to list the command options available in your Nero version. - Info Nero 6 Startbefehle
Nero command line switches to start Nero's GUI in specific dialogs (in German)
Tested with NeroCmd version API version on Microsoft Windows XP Professional SP2 (5.1.2600)
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Open a text file in Notepad:
notepad.exe TextFileName
Force Notepad to open a text file as ASCII text:
notepad.exe /A TextFileName
Print a text file with Notepad (default printer):
notepad.exe /P TextFileName
Tested in Microsoft Windows XP Professional SP2 (5.1.2600)
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Open a file in OpenOffice:
soffice.exe OpenOfficeFile
Print an OpenOffice file silently to any printer:
soffice.exe -pt "PrinterName" OpenOfficeFile
Print multiple OpenOffice text files silently to any printer:
soffice.exe -pt "PrinterName" *.odt
Tested with 2.4.0 on Microsoft Windows XP Professional SP2 (5.1.2600)
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Open a PowerPoint file in Edit mode:
powerpnt.exe PowerPointFile
Open a PowerPoint file in Slideshow mode:
powerpnt.exe /S PowerPointFile
Open a print dialog:
powerpnt.exe /P PowerPointFile
Silently print a PowerPoint file to any printer:
powerpnt.exe /PT "PrinterName" "" "" "PowerPointFile"
Open a PowerPoint file and run an embedded macro:
powerpnt.exe /M PowerPointFile "MacroName"
Sources with more details:
- Command-Line Switches for PowerPoint 2000
- List of command line switches for PowerPoint 2003 Viewer
- Command-line switches for PowerPoint 2007 and the PowerPoint Viewer 2007
Not tested
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PowerPoint Viewer
Open a PowerPoint file in Slideshow mode:
pptview.exe PowerPointFile
Open a print dialog (without "splash screen"):
pptview.exe /S /P PowerPointFile
Sources with more details:
- List of command line switches for PowerPoint 2003 Viewer
- Command-line switches for PowerPoint 2007 and the PowerPoint Viewer 2007
Tested with PowerPoint Viewer 2007 (12.0.6211) on Microsoft Windows XP Professional SP2 (5.1.2600)
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Corel Presentations
Open an existing slideshow or drawing in Presentations:
Prwin12.exe PresentationsDrawingOrSlideshow
Open a copy of an existing slideshow or drawing as a new file:
Prwin12.exe /s PresentationsDrawingOrSlideshow
Open Presentations with a new drawing:
Prwin12.exe /bsd
Open Presentations with a new slideshow:
Prwin12.exe /bss
Tested with Corel WordPerfect Presentations on Microsoft Windows XP Professional SP2 (5.1.2600)
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Microsoft RAW Image Viewer
Open a RAW image in the viewer:
RAWSupport.exe RawImageFile
Open the print wizard:
RAWSupport.exe /print RawImageFile
Open a RAW image in the associated editor, if configured:
RAWSupport.exe /edit RawImageFile
Note: | A RAW image editor is not part of Microsoft's RAW Image Viewer package. |
Open the RAW Image Viewer's configuration dialog:
RAWSupport.exe /configure
- The
RAWSupport.exe /?
Tested with Microsoft RAW Image Viewer on Microsoft Windows XP Professional SP2 (5.1.2600)
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Mozilla Thunderbird
Compose an e-mail message, including attachment:
SET Recipients=to="Recipient",cc="CcRecipient",bcc="BccRecipient" SET Message=subject="MessageSubject",body="MessageBody" thunderbird.exe -compose %Recipients%,%Message%,attachment="FileToBeAttached"
Notes: | The SET commands have been used to split up the command, otherwise the full command line for thunderbird.exe wouldn't fit in the browser window. |
Like the mailto: technique, you still need to press the "Send" button to actually send the message. |
Open the address book:
thunderbird.exe -addressbook
Sources with more details:
Not all command line switches listed in these sources will work in every Thunderbird version.
Tested with Mozilla Thunderbird (20080421) on Microsoft Windows XP Professional SP2 (5.1.2600)
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Open a Visio file without showing the "splash screen":
visio.exe VisioFile /nologo
Open the last opened file:
visio.exe /1
Open Visio's print dialog:
visio.exe /p VisioFile
Silently print a Visio file to any printer:
visio.exe /pt VisioFile PrinterName [ DriverName [ PortName ] ]
Sources with more details:
- Visio 2003 startup (command-line) switches and their purpose
- Command-line switches for Microsoft Office Visio 2007
- Running Save as Web Page from the command line (Visio 2002)
- Running Save as Web Page from the Command Line (Visio 2007)
Not tested
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Open a text file (any supported format) in Wordpad:
wordpad.exe TextFileName
Print a text file (any supported format) with Wordpad to the default printer:
wordpad.exe /p TextFileName
Print a text file (any supported format) with Wordpad to any printer:
wordpad.exe /pt TextFileName PrinterName [ DriverName [ PortName ] ]
- The
switch was an "educated guess", the/pt
switch was found using the commandSTRINGS wordpad.exe
Tested in Microsoft Windows XP Professional SP2 (5.1.2600)
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Open a file in WordPerfect, without showing the "splash screen":
WPWin12.exe : WpFile
Print a WP file:
Open WordPerfect and create a macro file with the following content (tested in WordPerfect 12 English, you may need to tweak the code for other versions or languages):
Application (WordPerfect; "WordPerfect"; Default!; "EN") PrintInColor (State: True!) PrintGraphics (State: False!) PrintWithDocumentSummary (State: False!) PrintCopies (NumberOfCopies: 1) PrintSortOrder (Order: Group!) PrintDestination (Destination: DriverPort!) PrintGraphically (State: False!) PrintTwoSided (Option: LongEdge!) PrintInReverseOrder (State: False!) PrintBooklet (State: False!) PrintAction (Action: FullDocument!) Print () CloseNoSave () ExitWordPerfect ()
Save the macro as "PrintAndClose.wcm" in the default location. You only need to do this once.
From now on, you can print a WordPerfect file using the following command:
WPWin12.exe : WpFile /M-PrintAndClose.wcm
This command opens WPFile in WordPerfect, prints the document, closes it and exits WordPerfect.
Unfortunately, I haven't found a way yet to hide WordPerfect from view during the process.
Notes: | It is possible to create a macro that prints to an alternative printer instead of the default. Save this macro giving it a logical name, and use that macro in the command to print to that alternative printer. Using macro's on the command line opens up other possibilities too, like saving a file in a different format, or converting ("publishing") it to PDF... Have a go at it! |
Sources with more details:
Tested with Corel WordPerfect on Microsoft Windows XP Professional SP2 (5.1.2600)
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Microsoft XPS Viewer
Open a file in XPS Viewer:
XpsRchVw.exe XpsFile
Load a file in XPS Viewer and open the Print dialog:
XpsRchVw.exe XpsFile /p
Convert an XPS file to multipage TIFF:
XpsRchVw.exe XpsFile /o:TiffFile
Convert an XPS file to multiple PNG files:
XpsRchVw.exe XpsFile /o:PngFile
Tested with Microsoft XPS Viewer 1.0.6000.16438 on Microsoft Windows XP Professional SP2 (5.1.2600)
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Original Post Here
Convert easily a Unicode file to ASCII
But it can als be used to:
View text files that may be in use
Remove a line from a text file
Show size of files in use
Convert Unicode to ASCII
This makes it an excellent program to view and even copy log files that are locked by another program.
The viewing will be obvious, here, but how about copying? Take a look at the example:
TYPE logfile.log > logfile.bakWithout the redirection to logfile.bak this would show the contents of logfile.log on screen.
Because of the redirection, though, these contents will now be stored in logfile.bak.
That way, the content of logfile.bak will be identical to logfile.log's, though it will have a different timestamp.
This may be useful if you need to copy a text file that may be in use, when COPY may fail.
TYPE C:\CONFIG.SYS FIND /V /I "SHARE.EXE" > C:\CONFIG.SYSSince we use piping of TYPE's standard output to FIND's standard input, the content of CONFIG.SYS is stored in one or more temporary files before FIND's standard output will overwrite CONFIG.SYS again.
Without piping to FIND's standard input, CONFIG.SYS would be opened by TYPE and at the same time be overwritten by TYPE's standard output.
This would result in either an error message (if you're lucky) or an empty CONFIG.SYS.
Warning: This trick won't allways work in multi-tasking environments like Windows NT or OS/2! You may find that you end up with an empty file using this trick.
Use different source and target file names to be on the safe side.
Show size of files in use
I often use TYPE to check a download's progress:
If you use DIR to display file sizes, files being downloaded seem to have a file size of 0 bytes.
By using TYPE once to display the contents of the file, next time DIR will show the actual amount of bytes already downloaded.
This won't hurt the download, since TYPE does in no way lock the file.
Use TYPE and DIR again to check on download progress:
DIR download_in_progress
TYPE download_in_progress > NUL
DIR download_in_progress
download_in_progress is the name of the file being downloaded.
Convert Unicode to ASCII
In Windows 2000 and XP, TYPE offers a simple method to convert Unicode files to ASCII:
TYPE MyUnicode.txt > MyASCII.txtOr, if "extended" ASCII characters like ë or à may be involved:
CHCP 1252
TYPE MyUnicode.txt > MyASCII.txt
1252 is the most commonly used codepage for western languages in Windows 2000 and later.
Use a different code page for other languages.
In Windows 9x use 437 (US) or 850 (Europe).
Note: To save and restore the original codepage, use this command before changing the codepage:
and then use the following command to restore the original codepage afterwards:
Conversion from ASCII to Unicode is not as simple.
You can open an ASCII file in Notepad and then choose Unicode instead of ANSI in the "Encoding" field of the "Save As" dialogue.
To allow ASCII to Unicode conversion from the command line I wrote ASCII2UC.vbs.
Its usage is simple:
CSCRIPT.EXE //NoLogo ASCII2UC.VBS ascii_file unicode_file
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Hiren's BootCD 9.5
Hiren's Boot CD is a boot CD containing various diagnostic programs such as partitioning agents, system performance benchmarks, disk cloning and imaging tools, data recovery tools, MBR tools, BIOS tools, and many others for fixing various computer problems. It is a Bootable CD; thus, it can be useful even if the primary operating system cannot be booted. Hiren's Boot CD has an extensive list of software. Utilities with similar functionality on the CD are grouped together and seem redundant; however, they present choices through UI differences.
Hiren's BootCD - All in one Dos Bootable CD which has all these utilities.
Partition Tools:
- Partition Magic Pro 8.05 - Best software to partition hard drive
- Acronis Disk Director Suite 9.0.554 - Popular disk management functions in a single suite
- Paragon Partition Manager 7.0.1274 - Universal tool for partitions
- Partition Commander 9.01 - The safe way to partition your hard drive,with undo feature
- Ranish Partition Manager 2.44 - a boot manager and hard disk partitioner.
- The Partition Resizer v1.3.4 - move and resize your partitions in one step and more.
- Smart Fdisk 2.05 - a simple harddisk partition manager
- SPecial Fdisk 2000.03t - SPFDISK a partition tool.
- eXtended Fdisk 0.9.3 - XFDISK allows easy partition creation and edition
- GDisk 1.1.1 - Complete replacement for the DOS FDISK utility and more.
- Super Fdisk 1.0 - Create, delete, format partitions drives without destroying data
Disk Clone Tools:
- ImageCenter 5.6 (Drive Image 2002) - Best software to clone hard drive
- Norton Ghost 11.0.1 - Similar to Drive Image (with usb/scsi support)
- Acronis True Image 8.1.945 - Create an exact disk image for complete system backup and disk cloning.
- Partition Saver 3.50 - A tool to backup/restore partitions.
- COPYR.DMA Build013 - A Tool for making copies of hard disks with bad sectors
Antivirus Tools:
- F-Prot Antivirus 3.16f (1410) - Very good virus scanner (with ntfs support and easy to use menu)
- McAfee Antivirus 4.4.50 (1410) - a virus scanner (with ntfs support and easy to use menu)
Recovery Tools:
- Active Partition Recovery 3.0 - To Recover a Deleted partition.
- Active Uneraser 3.0 - To recover deleted files and folders on FAT and NTFS systems.
- Ontrack Easy Recovery Pro 6.10 - To Recover data that has been deleted/virus attack
- Winternals Disk Commander 1.1 - more than just a standard deleted-file recovery utility
- TestDisk 6.9b - Tool to check and undelete partition.
- Lost & Found 1.06 - a good old data recovery software.
- DiyDataRecovery Diskpatch 2.1.100 - An excellent data recovery software.
- Prosoft Media Tools 5.0 v1.1.2.64 - Another excellent data recovery software with many other options.
- PhotoRec 6.9b - File and pictures recovery Tool.
Testing Tools:
- System Speed Test 4.78 - it tests CPU, harddrive, ect.
- PC-Check 6.0 - Easy to use hardware tests
- Ontrack Data Advisor 5.0 - Powerful diagnostic tool for assessing the condition of your computer
- The Troubleshooter 7.02 - all kind of hardware testing tool
- PC Doctor 2004 - a benchmarking and information tool
- Test Cpu/Video/Disk 5.6 - a tool to test cpu, video, and disk
- Test Hard Disk Drive 1.0 - a tool to test Hard Disk Drive
RAM (Memory) Testing Tools:
- DocMemory 3.1b - RAM Test utility
- GoldMemory 5.07 - RAM Test utility
- Memtest86+ 2.00 - PC Memory Test
Hard Disk Tools:
- Hard Disk Diagnostic Utilities
- Seagate Seatools Desktop Edition 3.02
- Western Digital Data Lifeguard Tools
- Western Digital Diagnostics (DLGDIAG) 5.04f
- Maxtor PowerMax 4.23
- Maxtor amset utility 4.0
- Maxtor(or any Hdd) Low Level Formatter 1.1
- Fujitsu HDD Diagnostic Tool 7.00
- Fujitsu IDE Low Level Format 1.0
- Samsung HDD Utility(HUTIL) 2.04
- Samsung Disk Diagnose (SHDIAG) 1.28
- IBM/Hitachi Drive Fitness Test 4.11
- IBM/Hitachi Feature Tool 2.08
- Gateway GwScan 5.12
- ExcelStor's ESTest 4.20
- MHDD 4.6
- WDClear 1.30
- Toshiba Hard Disk Diagnostic 2.00b
- SeaTools for Dos 1.09
- HDD Regenerator 1.51 - to recover a bad hard drive
- Ontrack Disk Manager 9.57 - Disk Test/Format/Maintenance tool.
- Norton Disk Doctor 2002 - a tool to repair a damaged disk, or to diagnose your hard drive.
- Norton Disk Editor 2002 - a powerful disk editing, manual data recovery tool.
- Hard Disk Sentinel 0.01 - Hard Disk health, performance and temperature monitoring tool.
- Active Kill Disk 4.1 - Securely overwrites and destroys all data on physical drive.
- HDAT2 4.6b - main function is testing and repair (regenerates) bad sectors for devices
- SmartUDM 2.00 - Hard Disk Drive S.M.A.R.T. Viewer.
- Victoria 3.33e and 3.52rus - a freeware program for low-level HDD diagnostics
- HDD Eraser 1.0 - Secure erase using a special feature built into most newer hard drives
System Information Tools:
- Aida16 2.14 - a system information tool, extracts details of all components of the PC
- PCI and AGP info Tool (1410) - The PCI System information & Exploration tool.
- System Analyser version 5.3t - View extensive information about your hardware
- Navratil Software System Information 0.59.16 - High-end professional system information tool
- Astra 5.34 - Advanced System info Tool and Reporting Assistant
- HwInfo 5.1.0 - a powerful system information utility
- PC-Config 9.33 - Complete hardware detection of your computer
- SysChk 2.46- Find out exactly what is under the hood of your PC
- CPU Identification utility v1.12 - Detailed information on CPU (CHKCPU.EXE)
- CTIA CPU Information - another CPU information tool
MBR (Master Boot Record) Tools:
- MBR Work 1.07b - a utility to perform some common and uncommon MBR functions
- MBR Tool 2.2.100 - backup, verify, restore, edit, refresh, remove, display, re-write...
- DiskMan4 - all in one tool for cmos, bios, bootrecord and more
- BootFix Utility - Run this utility if you get 'Invalid system disk'
- MBR SAVE / RESTORE 2.1 - BootSave and BootRest tools to save / restore MBR
- Boot Partition 2.60 - add Partition in the Windows NT/2000/XP Multi-boot loader
- Partition Table Doctor 3.5 - a tool to repair/modify mbr, bootsector, partition table
- Smart Boot Manager 3.7.1 - a multi boot manager
- Bootmagic 8.0 - This tool is for multi boot operating systems
- MBRWizard 2.0b - Directly update and modify the MBR (Master Boot Record)
BIOS / CMOS Tools:
- CMOS 0.93 - CMOS Save / Restore Tool
- BIOS Cracker 4.8 - BIOS password remover (cmospwd)
- BIOS Cracker 1.4 - BIOS password remover (cmospwc)
- BIOS Utility 1.35.0 - BIOS Informations, password, beep codes and more.
- !BIOS 3.20 - a powerfull utility for bios and cmos
- DISKMAN4 - a powerful all in one utility
- UniFlash 1.40 - bios flash utility
- Kill CMOS - a tiny utility to wipe cmos
- Award DMI Configuration Utility 2.43 - DMI Configuration utility for modifying/viewing the MIDF contents.
MultiMedia Tools:
- Picture Viewer 1.94 - Picture viewer for dos, supports more then 40 filetypes.
- QuickView Pro 2.58 - movie viewer for dos, supports many format including divx.
- MpxPlay 1.56 - a small Music Player for dos
Password Tools:
- Active Password Changer 3.0.420 - To Reset User Password on windows NT/2000/XP/2003 (FAT/NTFS)
- Offline NT/2K/XP Password Changer - utility to reset windows nt/2000/xp administrator/user password.
- Registry Viewer 4.2 - Registry Viewer/Editor for Win9x/Me/NT/2K/XP
- Registry Reanimator v1.02 - check and restore structure of the damaged registry files of NT/2K/XP
- NTPWD - utility to reset windows nt/2000/xp administrator/user password.
- ATAPWD 1.2 - Hard Disk Password Utility
NTFS Ext2FS, Ext3FS (FileSystems) Tools :
- NTFS Dos Pro 5.0 - To access ntfs partitions from Dos
- NTFS 4 Dos 1.9 - To access ntfs partitions from Dos
- Paragon Mount Everything 3.0 - To access NTFS, Ext2FS, Ext3FS partitions from dos
- NTFS Dos 3.02 - To access ntfs partitions from Dos
- EditBINI 1.01 - to Edit boot.ini on NTFS Partition
Dos File Managers:
- Volkov Commander 4.99 - Dos File Manager with LongFileName/ntfs support (Similar to Norton Commander)
- Dos Command Center 5.1 - Classic dos-based file manager.
- File Wizard 1.35 - a file manager - colored files, drag and drop copy, move, delete etc.
- File Maven 3.5 - an advanced Dos file manager with high speed PC-to-PC file transfers via serial or parallel cable
- FastLynx 2.0 - Dos file manager with Pc to Pc file transfer capability
- LapLink 5.0 - the smart way to transfer files and directories between PCs.
- Dos Navigator 6.4.0 - Dos File Manager, Norton Commander clone but has much more features.
- Mini Windows 98 - Can run from Ram Drive, with ntfs support, Added 7-Zip which supports .7z .zip .cab .rar .arj .gzip, .bzip2 .z .tar .cpio .rpm and .deb, Disk Defragmenter, Notepad / RichText Editor, Image Viewer, .avi .mpg .divx .xvid Movie Player, etc...
Other Tools:
- Ghost Walker 2003.793 - utility that changes the security ID (SID) for Windows NT, 2000 and XP
- DosCDroast beta 2 - Dos CD Burning Tools
- Universal TCP/IP Network 6.2 - MSDOS Network Client to connect via TCP/IP to a Microsoft based network. The network can either be a peer-to-peer or a server based network, it contains 85 different network card drivers
Dos Tools:
- USB CD-Rom Driver 1 - Standard usb_cd.sys driver for cd drive
- Universal USB Driver 2 - Panasonic v2.20 ASPI Manager for USB mass storage
- SCSI Support - SCSI Drivers for Dos
- SATA Support - SATA Driver (gcdrom.sys) and JMicron JMB361 (xcdrom.sys) for Dos
- 1394 Firewire Support - 1394 Firewire Drivers for Dos
- Interlnk support at COM1 To access another computer from COM port
- Interlnk support at LPT1 - To access another computer from LPT port
Windows Tools:
- SpaceMonger 1.4 - keeping track of the free space on your computer
- WinDirStat - a disk usage statistics viewer and cleanup tool for Windows.
- Drive Temperature 1.0 - Hard Disk Drive temperature meter
- Disk Speed 1.0 - Hard Disk Drive Speed Testing Tool
- MemTest 1.0 - a Memory Testing Tool
- S&M Stress Test 1.9.1 - cpu/hdd/memory benchmarking and information tool, including temperatures/fan speeds/voltages
- PageDfrg 2.32 - System file Defragmenter For NT/2k/XP
- WhitSoft File Splitter 4.5a - a Small File Split-Join Tool
- Ghost Image Explorer 11.0.1 - to add/remove/extract files from Ghost image file
- DriveImage Explorer 5.0 - to add/remove/extract files from Drive image file
- Drive SnapShot 1.38 - creates an exact Disk Image of your system into a file while windows is running.
- Active Undelete 5.5 - a tool to recover deleted files
- Restoration 2.5.14 - a tool to recover deleted files
- GetDataBack for FAT 2.31 - Data recovery software for FAT file systems
- GetDataBack for NTFS 2.31 - Data recovery software for NTFS file systems
- Recuva 1.10.223 - Restore deleted files from Hard Drive, Digital Camera Memory Card, usb mp3 player...
- Partition Find and Mount 2.3 - Partition Find and Mount software is designed to find lost or deleted partitions
- Unstoppable Copier 3.12 - Allows you to copy files from disks with problems such as bad sectors, scratches or that just give errors when reading data.
- HDD Scan 2.8 - This is a Low-level HDD diagnostic tool, it scans surface find bad sectors etc.
- Express Burn 4.06 - CD/DVD Burner Program to create and record CDs/DVDs, also create/burn .iso and .nrg images
- Data Shredder 1.0 - A tool to Erase disk and files (also wipe free space) securely
- Startup Control Panel 2.8 - a tool to edit startup programs
- NT Registry Optimizer 1.1j - Registry Optimization for Windows NT/2000/2003/XP/Vista
- DefragNT 1.9 - This tool presents the user with many options for disk defragmenting
- JkDefrag 3.34 - Free disk defragment and optimize utility for Windows 2000/2003/XP/Vista
- Startup Monitor 1.02 - it notifies you when any program registers itself to run at system startup
- IB Process Manager 1.04 - a little process manager for 9x/2k, shows dll info etc.
- Process Explorer 11.04 - shows you information about which handles and DLLs processes have opened or loaded
- Pocket KillBox - can be used to get rid of files that stubbornly refuse to allow you to delete them
- Unlocker 1.8.5 - This tool can delete file/folder when you get this message - Cannot delete file: Access is denied, The file is in use by another program etc.
- HijackThis 2.0.2 - a general homepage hijackers detector and remover and more
- RootkitRevealer 1.7 - Rootkit Revealer is an advanced patent-pending root kit detection utility.
- Silent Runners Revision 55 - A free script that helps detect spyware, malware and adware in the startup process
- Autoruns 9.12 - Displays All the entries from startup folder, Run, RunOnce, and other Registry keys, Explorer shell extensions,toolbars, browser helper objects, Winlogon notifications, auto-start services, Scheduled Tasks, Winsock, LSA Providers, Remove Drivers and much more which helps to remove nasty spyware/adware and viruses.
- Dial a Fix - Fix errors and problems with COM/ActiveX object errors and missing registry entries, Automatic Updates, SSL, HTTPS, and Cryptography service (signing/verification) issues, Reinstall internet explorer etc. comes with the policy scanner
- CurrPort 1.20 - displays the list of all currently opened TCP and UDP ports on your computer
- Unknown Devices 1.2 (1410) - helps you find what those unknown devices in Device Manager really are
- PCI 32 Sniffer 1.1 (1410) - device information tool (similar to unknown devices)
- NewSID 4.10 - utility that changes the security ID (SID) for Windows NT, 2000 and XP
- Double Driver 1.0 - Driver Backup and Restore tool
- DriverBackup! 1.0.3 - Another handy tool to backup drivers
- CPU-Z 1.44 -It gathers information on some of the main devices of your system
- CWShredder 2.19 - Popular CoolWebSearch Trojan Remover tool
- SmitFraudFix 2.289 - This removes Some of the popular Desktop Hijack malware
- Winsock 2 Fix for 9x - to fix corrupted Winsock2 information by poorly written Internet programs
- XP TCP/IP Repair 1.0 - Repair your Windows XP Winsock and TCP/IP registry errors
- CCleaner 2.04.543 - Crap Cleaner is a freeware system optimization and privacy tool
- EzPcFix - Helpful tool when trying to remove viruses, spyware, and malware
- Content Advisor Password Remover 1.0 - It Removes Content Advisor Password from Internet Explorer
- WinKeyFinder 1.73 - Allows you to View and Change Windows XP/2003 Product Keys, backup and restore activation related files, backup Microsoft Office 97, 2000 SP2, XP/2003 keys etc.
- ProduKey 1.20 - Recovers lost the product key of your Windows/Office
- Wireless Key View 1.15 - Recovers all wireless network keys (WEP/WPA) stored in your computer by WZC
- Monitor Tester 1.0 - Allows you to test CRT/LCD/TFT screens for dead pixels and diffective screens
- Shell Extensions Manager (ShellExView) 1.19 - An excellent tool to View and Manage all installed Context-menu/Shell extensions
- TweakUI 2.10 - This PowerToy gives you access to system settings that are not exposed in the Windows Xp
- Xp-AntiSpy 3.96.7 - it tweaks some Windows XP functions, and disables some unneeded Windows services quickly
- PC Wizard 2008 1.83 - Powerful system information/benchmark utility designed especially for detection of hardware.
- Spybot - Search & Destroy 1.5.2 (1410) - Application to scan for spyware, adware, hijackers and other malicious software.
- SpywareBlaster 3.5.1 (1410) - Prevent the installation of spyware and other potentially unwanted software.
- Ad-Aware SE Personal 1.06 (1410) - find and remove spyware, adware, dialers etc. (a must have tool)
Download Hiren's Boot CD v9.5 with Keyboard Patch
New Fuel Cell System 'Generates Electricity with Only Water, Air'
Genepax Co Ltd explained the technologies used in its new fuel cell system "Water Energy System (WES)," which uses water as a fuel and does not emit CO2.
The system can generate power just by supplying water and air to the fuel and air electrodes, respectively, the company said at the press conference, which took place June 12, 2008, at the Osaka Assembly Hall.
The basic power generation mechanism of the new system is similar to that of a normal fuel cell, which uses hydrogen as a fuel. According to Genepax, the main feature of the new system is that it uses the company's membrane electrode assembly (MEA), which contains a material capable of breaking down water into hydrogen and oxygen through a chemical reaction.
Though the company did not reveal the details, it "succeeded in adopting a well-known process to produce hydrogen from water to the MEA," said Hirasawa Kiyoshi, the company's president. This process is allegedly similar to the mechanism that produces hydrogen by a reaction of metal hydride and water. But compared with the existing method, the new process is expected to produce hydrogen from water for longer time, the company said.
With the new process, the cell needs only water and air, eliminating the need for a hydrogen reformer and high-pressure hydrogen tank. Moreover, the MEA requires no special catalysts, and the required amount of rare metals such as platinum is almost the same as that of existing systems, Genepax said.
Unlike the direct methanol fuel cell (DMFC), which uses methanol as a fuel, the new system does not emit CO2. In addition, it is expected to have a longer life because catalyst degradation (poisoning) caused by CO does not occur on the fuel electrode side. As it has only been slightly more than a year since the company completed the prototype, it plans to collect more data on the product life.
At the conference, Genepax unveiled a fuel cell stack with a rated output of 120W and a fuel cell system with a rated output of 300W. In the demonstration, the 120W fuel cell stack was first supplied with water by using a dry-cell battery operated pump. After power was generated, it was operated as a passive system with the pump turned off.
This time, the voltage of the fuel cell stack was 25-30V. Because the stack is composed of 40 cells connected in series, it is expected that the output per cell is 3W or higher, the voltage is about 0.5-0.7V, and the current is about 6-7A. The power density is likely to be not less than 30mW/cm2 because the reaction area of the cell is 10 x 10 cm.
Meanwhile, the 300W fuel cell system is an active system, which supplies water and air with a pump. In the demonstration, Genepax powered the TV and the lighting equipment with a lead-acid battery charged by using the system. In addition, the 300W system was mounted in the luggage room of a compact electric vehicle "Reva" manufactured by Takeoka Mini Car Products Co Ltd, and the vehicle was actually driven by the system.
Genepax initially planned to develop a 500W system, but failed to procure the materials for MEA in time and ended up in making a 300W system.
For the future, the company intends to provide 1kw-class generation systems for use in electric vehicles and houses. Instead of driving electric vehicles with this system alone, the company expects to use it as a generator to charge the secondary battery used in electric vehicles.
Although the production cost is currently about ¥2,000,000 (US$18,522), it can be reduced to ¥500,000 or lower if Genepax succeeds in mass production. The company believes that its fuel cell system can compete with residential solar cell systems if the cost can be reduced to this level.
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Nissan's Automatic Headlight System Tells Evening From Shadows
Nissan Motor Co Ltd developed a new automatic headlight system that turns on about 30-40 minutes earlier than the existing automatic headlights at twilight and does not turn on in the shadows of a tree or a building.
In order to turn on the headlights earlier than the existing systems at twilight, the company increased the sensitivity of the illumination sensors by dozens of times and revised the control logic that determines the surrounding environment.
Aiming to reduce the number of car accidents, Nissan plans to commercialize the new headlight system within 2008. The automatic headlights equipped in existing Nissan models will be replaced by the new system, the Smart Auto Headlight, the company said.
According to Nissan's data about the fatality and serious injury rates by time of day, accidents most frequently occur in the time zone ending approximately one hour before the sunset. The new system is designed to reduce the accident rate during this accident-prone time zone by automatically turning on the lights to warn other vehicles.
The system determines the surrounding environment based on the values obtained by the illumination sensors. Those values are constantly changing. In addition to the improvement of illumination sensor performance, the threshold and other values used by the decision logic circuit can be set in details this time, enabling the system to recognize the shadows of a tree or a building.
For example, when the value decreases sharply, the system determines that the vehicle is going into a tunnel. When the value decreases gradually, the system determines that it is before the sunset.
Moreover, the new system has a function to turn on headlights in concert with the operation of the wipers.
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Nikon to Release Digital Camera w/ GPS, Wired LAN Capabilities
Nikon Imaging Japan Inc, a subsidiary of Nikon Corp, announced that it will release the Coolpix P6000, a compact digital camera with GPS and wired LAN capabilities, in September 2008.
The expected market price is about ¥60,000 (approx US$546), although there is no manufacturer's suggested price.
With the built-in GPS function, images shot using the Coolpix P6000 can be attached with a "Geotag," which is a piece of information about the shooting location. With this feature, images and map information can be managed in association with each other by using Nikon's "ViewNX" image management software or using an image storing and sharing Website called "my Picturetown," according to Nikon.
A LAN cable can be directly connected to a 100BASE-TX wired LAN terminal, which is provided on the main unit. This enables the users to store images in the "my Picturetown" via the Internet. The camera is capable of uploading and sharing the images in the NRW format, which is a RAW data format dedicated to the Coolpix series.
The Coolpix P6000 features an effective pixel count of 13.5 Mpixels and has a 1/1.7-inch CCD image sensor. The camera is equipped with an optical 4x zoom NIKKOR lens with extra dispersion (ED) lens elements. The lens covers a focal length of 28-112mm (35mm format equivalent).
The camera also features a digital zoom of up to 4x. The maximum ISO sensitivity is 6,400. The shutter speed ranges from 1/200 to eight seconds. In the manual exposure mode, it is 1/2000-30 seconds.
Still images can be recorded in the JPEG or the RAW format, and the camera supports simultaneous recording in these formats. In addition, the camera can record video images in the AVI format. It uses a built-in memory with a capacity of approximately 48 Mbytes. It also supports the SD memory card.
The camera has a 2.7-inch LCD panel with approximately 230,000 pixels and a built-in flash. It uses the EN-EL5 Li-ion rechargeable battery. Based on the CIPA standard, the Coolpix P6000 is capable of shooting about 260 photos using the EN-EL5 battery. The camera measures 107 (W) x 42 (D) x 65.5mm (H), excluding the protrusions. It weighs about 240g, excluding the battery and the memory card.
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