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How to tidy XML file

Below is the simple perl code that will clean up the xml file. You can use XML::Tidy library.

use strict;
use XML::Tidy;

use Win32;

if ($ARGV[0] eq "") {
print "XML file is missing\n\t xmltidy.exe \"File.xml\"\n"

if ($ARGV[0]!~ /.xml$/){print "XML file is missing\n\t xmltidy.exe \"File.xml\"\n";exit;}
my $xml=$ARGV[0];
if (!(-f $ARGV[0])) {$xml=Win32::GetCwd().'\\'.$ARGV[0]} ;
# create new XML::Tidy object from MainFile.xml
my $tidy_obj = XML::Tidy->new('filename' => $xml);
# Tidy up the indenting
# Write out changes back to MainFile.xml


Simple Perl Tidy.

This code below will tidy your perl code.

use File::Copy;
opendir (DIR , Win32::GetCwd());
my @DIR = readdir(DIR);
closedir DIR;

my $tabValues = ' ';
my $FileToClean ='';
# my $FileToClean ='';
#$FileToClean =$_;
# next if ($FileToClean =~ /\.bak$/gi);
copy ($FileToClean,"$FileToClean.bak");
open(FILE ,"$FileToClean");
my $templine;
my $tab;
while(my $line = )
$line =&trim($line);
#print $line."\r\n";
if ($line =~ /.*TOVALIDDATE.*/gi)
print "test\n";
if ($line ne "")
if ($line=~ /.*\(.*\)\{.*\}/gi)
$templine .= $tab.$line."\r\n";
if ($line=~ /(^(while|if|else|elsif|foreach).*\(.*\).*)(\{.*)/gi)

$templine .= $tab.$1."\r\n";
$templine .= $tab.$3."\r\n";
$tab .= $tabValues;
if($line=~ /^#/gi)
$templine .= $tab.$line."\r\n";
if($line=~ /^{/gi || $line=~ /^(while|if|else|elsif|foreach).*{$/gi)
$templine .= $tab.$line."\r\n";
$tab .= $tabValues;
if($line=~ /^}/gi || $line=~ /^}.*(while|if|else|elsif|foreach).*/gi)
$tab =~ s/$tabValues//;
if($line=~ /^{/gi || $line=~ /.*(while|if|else|elsif|foreach).*{/gi)
$tab .= $tabValues;
$templine .= $tab.$line."\r\n";
if($line=~ /}$/gi || $line=~ /.*(while|if|else|elsif|foreach).*}$/gi)
$tab =~ s/$tabValues//;
#$line =~ s/}/$tab}/;
$templine .= $tab.$line."\r\n";
if($line=~ /^sub .*/gi)
$templine .= $tab.$line."\r\n";
my $aaa= trim($line);
if($aaa=~ /^sub .*{$/gi)

$templine .= $tab.$line."\r\n";
close FILE;
print FILEOUT $templine;
close FILEOUT;
sub trim
my $str = shift;
$str =~ s/^\s+//;
$str =~ s/\s+$//;
return $str;

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