A collection of
Command Line Switches
and arguments to control some program executables
On this page I will collect command line switches for some program executables.
This will make it easier to create reliable "quick-and-dirty" batch files to perform common tasks like printing, file conversion, etcetera without the need to dig into the program's COM object details.
Most programs open a file if its full path is specified on the command line without any switches.
Most files' "Open", "Print" and "PrintTo" commands can be found in the registry under HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT
, or by examining file associations, the others may require some web searching, or even reading software manuals.
Command line switches for:
- Microsoft Access
- Adobe Reader
- CDBurnerXP
- Excel
- Foxit Reader
- Internet Explorer
- IrfanView
- MagicISO
- Nero Burning ROM
- Notepad
- OpenOffice
- PowerPoint
- PowerPoint Viewer
- Corel Presentations
- Microsoft RAW Image Viewer
- Mozilla Thunderbird
- Visio
- Wordpad
- WordPerfect
- Microsoft XPS Viewer
Microsoft Access
Open a Microsoft Access database:
msaccess.exe Database
Open an Access database for exclusive access:
msaccess.exe Database /excl
Open an Access database for read-only access:
msaccess.exe Database /ro
Compact and repair an Access database:
msaccess.exe OriginalDatabase /compact [ CompactedDatabase ]
If no CompactedDatabase
is specified, the OriginalDatabase
will be overwritten.
Convert a database from a previous Access version to the current version:
msaccess.exe OldDatabase /convert NewDatabase
Sources with more details:
- How to use command-line switches in Microsoft Access (MS Access 1.0..97)
- How to use command-line switches in Microsoft Access (MS Access 2000..2003)
Not tested
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Adobe Reader
Open a PDF file:
AcroRd32.exe PdfFile
Open a PDF file in a new instance of Adobe Reader:
AcroRd32.exe /N PdfFile
Open a PDF file at page 7:
AcroRd32.exe /A "page=7=OpenActions" PdfFile
Open a PDF file with navigation pane active, zoom out to 50%, and search for and highlight the word "batch":
AcroRd32.exe /A "zoom=50&navpanes=1=OpenActions&search=batch" PdfFile
Print a PDF file with dialog:
AcroRd32.exe /P PdfFile
Print a PDF file silently:
AcroRd32.exe /N /T PdfFile PrinterName [ PrinterDriver [ PrinterPort ] ]
The last command will open a new Adobe Reader window, print the PDF file and then terminate its window unless that window happens to be the only Adobe Reader window left: at least one Adobe Reader window will be left open.
Sources with more details:
Tested with Adobe Reader 8.1.2 on Microsoft Windows XP Professional SP2 (5.1.2600)
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Open a CDBurnerXP compilation file:
cdbxp.exe /od CdbxpCompilationFile
List all CD/DVD writers:
cdbxpcmd.exe --list-drives
Eject the disk in the first CD/DVD writer (device 0):
cdbxpcmd.exe --eject [ -device:0 ]
Load the disk in the first CD/DVD writer (device 0):
cdbxpcmd.exe --load [ -device:0 ]
Erase the disk in the first CD/DVD writer (device 0):
cdbxpcmd.exe --erase [ -device:0 ]
Unfortunately, so far, I haven't been able to burn a CD with cdbxpcmd.exe
Source with more details:
Tested with CDBurnerXP Pro on Microsoft Windows XP Professional SP2 (5.1.2600)
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Open an Excel spreadsheet:
excel.exe ExcelSpreadsheet
Open an Excel spreadsheet in read-only mode:
excel.exe /r ExcelSpreadsheet
Open an Excel spreadsheet in safe mode:
excel.exe /s ExcelSpreadsheet
excel.exe /safemode ExcelSpreadsheet
Sources with more details:
Not tested
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Foxit Reader
Open a PDF file:
"Foxit Reader.exe" PdfFile
Open a PDF file at page 7:
"Foxit Reader.exe" PdfFile -n 7
Make Foxit Reader the default PDF reader:
"Foxit Reader.exe" -Register
Print a PDF file silently to the default printer:
"Foxit Reader.exe" PdfFile /p
Print a PDF file silently to an alternative printer:
"Foxit Reader.exe" PdfFile /t PrinterName
Notes: | The /p and /t switches are case sensitive, the -n switch is not. |
Source with more details:
Tested with Foxit Reader 2.3 Build 2923 on Microsoft Windows XP Professional SP2 (5.1.2600)
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Internet Explorer
Open Internet Explorer without the home page:
iexplore.exe -nohome
Open Internet Explorer in Windows Explorer mode:
iexplore.exe -e Folder
It is not possible to start a Windows Explorer window with alternate credentials. That is where Internet Explorer's "Explorer mode" comes to the rescue: use RUNAS
and IE's -E
switch to start an Explorer look-alike window with alternate credentials.Folder
can be in "drive:\path" or UNC format.
Open Internet Explorer in kiosk mode:
iexplore.exe -k [ url ]
Source with more details:
Tested with Internet Explorer 5..7 in Microsoft Windows 2000 & XP Professional
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Open a graphics file:
i_view32.exe GraphicsFile
Print a graphics file to the default printer:
i_view32.exe GraphicsFile /print
Print a graphics file to any printer:
i_view32.exe GraphicsFile /print="PrinterName"
Convert a JPG file to TIFF:
i_view32.exe FileName.jpg /convert=FileName.tif
Convert a JPG file to TIFF, and resize it to 800x600 (but keep the aspect ration):
i_view32.exe FileName.jpg /resize=(800,600) /aspectratio /resample /convert=FileName.tif
Scan and print a page:
i_view32.exe /scanhidden /print
Play selected JPG files as a slideshow:
i_view32.exe /slideshow=drive\path\img*.jpg /closeslideshow
Capture the screen and save it as C:\TEST.JPG:
i_view32.exe /capture=0 /convert=c:\test.jpg
Note: | All switches must be in lower case. |
Sources with more details:
- All Command Lines
- IrfanView help file (
HH.EXE "mk:@MSITStore:C:\Program%20Files\IrfanView\i_view32.chm::/hlp_command_line.htm"
Tested with IrfanView 4.10 on Microsoft Windows XP Professional SP2 (5.1.2600)
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is the program's GUI executable, but in the same directory where MagicISO.exe
is installed, MagicISO's command line tool miso.exe
can be found.
List all available CD/DVD writers with their ID number and drive letter:
miso.exe NULL -cd
Quick erase the disk in the CD/DVD writer with ID number 1:
miso.exe NULL -e 1
Create and burn a new ISO file to the CD/DVD writer with ID number 2:
miso.exe ISOFileName.iso -c NewFolder -f NewFolder -a *.* -l3 -l VolumeLabel -be 2
Notes: | The -c switch creates a folder NewFolder in the root directory of the ISO image, the -f switch makes this new folder the working directory. |
-a *.* adds all files from the current directory, including subdirectories, to the ISO image's working directory. | |
-be 2 tells the program to quick erase the disk in the CD/DVD writer with ID number 2 if it isn't blank, and then burn the ISO image to the disk. | |
If ISOFileName.iso already existed, the files and folder(s) will be added to the existing ISO image. | |
Use -l1 instead of -l3 if you want to restrict file and folder names in the ISO image to their short "8.3 notation". |
Delete files from an existing ISO image:
miso.exe ISOFileName.iso -f Folder -d FileSpec
Convert an existing ISO image to Nero's NRG format:
miso.exe NeroFileName.nrg -conv nrg ISOFileName.iso
Sources with more details:
- Using MagicISO as ISO Creator
- Using MagicISO as ISO image burner
- Using MagicISO to mount ISO image on Command Line
- Run
without parameters to list the command options available in your MagicISO version.
Tested with MagicISO 3.1.113 on Microsoft Windows XP Professional SP2 (5.1.2600)
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Nero Burning ROM
is the program's GUI executable, but in the same directory where nero.exe
is installed, Nero's command line tool NeroCmd.exe
can be found.
Open dialogs
Open Nero Burning ROM in the "Create Bootable CD" dialog:
nero.exe /New:BootDisc /Media:CD
Open Nero Burning ROM in the "Burn Image to CD" dialog:
nero.exe NeroImageFile /Dialog:BurnImage /Media:CD
List available CD/DVD writers:
NeroCmd.exe --listdrives
List drive properties for CD/DVD writer E:
NeroCmd.exe --driveinfo --drivename E
List disk properties for CD/DVD in drive E:
NeroCmd.exe --discinfo --drivename E
Eject the disk from drive E:
NeroCmd.exe --eject --drivename E
Load the disk in drive E:
NeroCmd.exe --load --drivename E
Quick erase disk in CD/DVD writer E:
NeroCmd.exe --erase --drivename E --real
Full erase disk in CD/DVD writer E:
NeroCmd.exe --erase --entire --drivename E --real
Write a Nero image to CD/DVD writer E:
NeroCmd.exe --write --drivename E --image NeroImageFile --force_erase_disc --real
Quick erase a rewritable disk in E: and then write "drive\path\*.*" to it at 4x speed:
NeroCmd.exe --write --drivename E --speed 4 --iso VolumeLabel --create_iso_fs "drive\path\*.*" --force_erase_disc --real
Note: | The 2 lines in the command above should be typed as a single line. |
Sources with more details:
- Club CDFreaks: Nero command line options
Or better still: runNeroCmd.exe
without parameters to list the command options available in your Nero version. - Info Nero 6 Startbefehle
Nero command line switches to start Nero's GUI in specific dialogs (in German)
Tested with NeroCmd version API version on Microsoft Windows XP Professional SP2 (5.1.2600)
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Open a text file in Notepad:
notepad.exe TextFileName
Force Notepad to open a text file as ASCII text:
notepad.exe /A TextFileName
Print a text file with Notepad (default printer):
notepad.exe /P TextFileName
Tested in Microsoft Windows XP Professional SP2 (5.1.2600)
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Open a file in OpenOffice:
soffice.exe OpenOfficeFile
Print an OpenOffice file silently to any printer:
soffice.exe -pt "PrinterName" OpenOfficeFile
Print multiple OpenOffice text files silently to any printer:
soffice.exe -pt "PrinterName" *.odt
Tested with OpenOffice.org 2.4.0 on Microsoft Windows XP Professional SP2 (5.1.2600)
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Open a PowerPoint file in Edit mode:
powerpnt.exe PowerPointFile
Open a PowerPoint file in Slideshow mode:
powerpnt.exe /S PowerPointFile
Open a print dialog:
powerpnt.exe /P PowerPointFile
Silently print a PowerPoint file to any printer:
powerpnt.exe /PT "PrinterName" "" "" "PowerPointFile"
Open a PowerPoint file and run an embedded macro:
powerpnt.exe /M PowerPointFile "MacroName"
Sources with more details:
- Command-Line Switches for PowerPoint 2000
- List of command line switches for PowerPoint 2003 Viewer
- Command-line switches for PowerPoint 2007 and the PowerPoint Viewer 2007
Not tested
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PowerPoint Viewer
Open a PowerPoint file in Slideshow mode:
pptview.exe PowerPointFile
Open a print dialog (without "splash screen"):
pptview.exe /S /P PowerPointFile
Sources with more details:
- List of command line switches for PowerPoint 2003 Viewer
- Command-line switches for PowerPoint 2007 and the PowerPoint Viewer 2007
Tested with PowerPoint Viewer 2007 (12.0.6211) on Microsoft Windows XP Professional SP2 (5.1.2600)
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Corel Presentations
Open an existing slideshow or drawing in Presentations:
Prwin12.exe PresentationsDrawingOrSlideshow
Open a copy of an existing slideshow or drawing as a new file:
Prwin12.exe /s PresentationsDrawingOrSlideshow
Open Presentations with a new drawing:
Prwin12.exe /bsd
Open Presentations with a new slideshow:
Prwin12.exe /bss
Tested with Corel WordPerfect Presentations on Microsoft Windows XP Professional SP2 (5.1.2600)
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Microsoft RAW Image Viewer
Open a RAW image in the viewer:
RAWSupport.exe RawImageFile
Open the print wizard:
RAWSupport.exe /print RawImageFile
Open a RAW image in the associated editor, if configured:
RAWSupport.exe /edit RawImageFile
Note: | A RAW image editor is not part of Microsoft's RAW Image Viewer package. |
Open the RAW Image Viewer's configuration dialog:
RAWSupport.exe /configure
- The
RAWSupport.exe /?
Tested with Microsoft RAW Image Viewer on Microsoft Windows XP Professional SP2 (5.1.2600)
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Mozilla Thunderbird
Compose an e-mail message, including attachment:
SET Recipients=to="Recipient",cc="CcRecipient",bcc="BccRecipient" SET Message=subject="MessageSubject",body="MessageBody" thunderbird.exe -compose %Recipients%,%Message%,attachment="FileToBeAttached"
Notes: | The SET commands have been used to split up the command, otherwise the full command line for thunderbird.exe wouldn't fit in the browser window. |
Like the mailto: technique, you still need to press the "Send" button to actually send the message. |
Open the address book:
thunderbird.exe -addressbook
Sources with more details:
Not all command line switches listed in these sources will work in every Thunderbird version.
Tested with Mozilla Thunderbird (20080421) on Microsoft Windows XP Professional SP2 (5.1.2600)
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Open a Visio file without showing the "splash screen":
visio.exe VisioFile /nologo
Open the last opened file:
visio.exe /1
Open Visio's print dialog:
visio.exe /p VisioFile
Silently print a Visio file to any printer:
visio.exe /pt VisioFile PrinterName [ DriverName [ PortName ] ]
Sources with more details:
- Visio 2003 startup (command-line) switches and their purpose
- Command-line switches for Microsoft Office Visio 2007
- Running Save as Web Page from the command line (Visio 2002)
- Running Save as Web Page from the Command Line (Visio 2007)
Not tested
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Open a text file (any supported format) in Wordpad:
wordpad.exe TextFileName
Print a text file (any supported format) with Wordpad to the default printer:
wordpad.exe /p TextFileName
Print a text file (any supported format) with Wordpad to any printer:
wordpad.exe /pt TextFileName PrinterName [ DriverName [ PortName ] ]
- The
switch was an "educated guess", the/pt
switch was found using the commandSTRINGS wordpad.exe
Tested in Microsoft Windows XP Professional SP2 (5.1.2600)
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Open a file in WordPerfect, without showing the "splash screen":
WPWin12.exe : WpFile
Print a WP file:
Open WordPerfect and create a macro file with the following content (tested in WordPerfect 12 English, you may need to tweak the code for other versions or languages):
Application (WordPerfect; "WordPerfect"; Default!; "EN") PrintInColor (State: True!) PrintGraphics (State: False!) PrintWithDocumentSummary (State: False!) PrintCopies (NumberOfCopies: 1) PrintSortOrder (Order: Group!) PrintDestination (Destination: DriverPort!) PrintGraphically (State: False!) PrintTwoSided (Option: LongEdge!) PrintInReverseOrder (State: False!) PrintBooklet (State: False!) PrintAction (Action: FullDocument!) Print () CloseNoSave () ExitWordPerfect ()
Save the macro as "PrintAndClose.wcm" in the default location. You only need to do this once.
From now on, you can print a WordPerfect file using the following command:
WPWin12.exe : WpFile /M-PrintAndClose.wcm
This command opens WPFile in WordPerfect, prints the document, closes it and exits WordPerfect.
Unfortunately, I haven't found a way yet to hide WordPerfect from view during the process.
Notes: | It is possible to create a macro that prints to an alternative printer instead of the default. Save this macro giving it a logical name, and use that macro in the command to print to that alternative printer. Using macro's on the command line opens up other possibilities too, like saving a file in a different format, or converting ("publishing") it to PDF... Have a go at it! |
Sources with more details:
Tested with Corel WordPerfect on Microsoft Windows XP Professional SP2 (5.1.2600)
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Microsoft XPS Viewer
Open a file in XPS Viewer:
XpsRchVw.exe XpsFile
Load a file in XPS Viewer and open the Print dialog:
XpsRchVw.exe XpsFile /p
Convert an XPS file to multipage TIFF:
XpsRchVw.exe XpsFile /o:TiffFile
Convert an XPS file to multiple PNG files:
XpsRchVw.exe XpsFile /o:PngFile
Tested with Microsoft XPS Viewer 1.0.6000.16438 on Microsoft Windows XP Professional SP2 (5.1.2600)
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