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How to convert seconds into HH:MM:SS (24 hour format) using Perl

use strict;
my $sec = 30028;
# result should be 08:20:28
my $time = &ConvertSeconds2Hours($sec);
print $time;
sub ConvertSeconds2Hours()
my $sec=shift;

my $hours = ($sec/3600);
my ($hours,$x) = split('\.', $hours);
if ($hours < 10)
$hours = "0" . $hours;
my $min = ($sec%3600);
$min = ($min/60);
my ($min,$x) = split('\.', $min);
if ($min < 10)
$min = "0" . $min;
$sec = ($sec%60);
if ($sec < 10)
$sec = "0" . $sec;

return "$hours:$min:$sec";


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